Our client is a young man (who is now aged 23) who suffered catastrophic injuries when he was hit by a car driven by the Defendant when he ran out near – but tragically not actually on – a pelican crossing close to his school in Swindon on the 31 January 1996. He was only 11 years old.
Sadly, our client suffered a number of injuries including a very severe head injury. He is now dependent upon his parents for a number of aspects of his life and is incapable of any independent life such as work, marriage, childcare and other normal human aspirations. It was a difficult case in that it took some time in trying to achieve a reasonable solution to his very demanding requirements.
Liability for his accident was initially disputed by the Defendant’s insurers but after issuing proceedings we were able to reach an agreement on the basis of 60% liability in his favour. A substantial discount against full liability was given because of the risk of him failing in the action altogether. This apportionment on liability was approved by the Court in 1998.
Eventually, during the early part of 2008, the parties agreed an overall valuation of his claim at £5m which after applying the 40% discount left our client with £3m. This sum will enable his parents to purchase a more suitable property which accommodates his disability both now and in the long term and will provide them with the support they need in order to look after their son.
SJ Edney solicitors obtained £3million for this client in 2008