It has been reported that a sixth person has now died from Listeriosis after eating a Good Food Chain pre-packaged sandwich whilst at Weston Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It is understood that Good Food Chain supply 43 Hospital Trusts across England with pre-packaged sandwiches and salads. In total, nine people are said to have fallen ill after eating the contaminated food, which is reportedly thought to have been chicken sandwiches.

Public Health England (PHE) has said the latest death occurred in one of the nine cases they have previously identified and that there are no new cases linked to the outbreak.

Listeria infection is rare. In healthy people, it causes mild illness however, consequences can be much more serious amongst those with pre-existing medical conditions, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system.

It is understood that Good Food Chain voluntarily ceased production whilst the PHE say that their investigation into the outbreak is continuing.

If you or a loved one have contracted Listeria following the consumption of pre-packaged food in hospital, you may have the right to claim compensation. We specialise in all types of personal injury claims, including claims in involving food poisoning. Contact us to find out if we can help you.