Soft tissue injury caused by an accident at work £250,000

A client who sustained a soft tissue injury in an accident at work, who unfortunately, went on to develop chronic pain syndrome. Her future work prospects were much diminished.

SJ Edney solicitors obtained £250,000 for this client in 2004


I have actually been very impressed indeed by every aspect of the service you provided and am really grateful. I particularly appreciated how you answered my questions so succinctly and courteously and kept me up-to-date with the progression of my claim.

Now that the case has come to a close and I have received the compensation, I wanted to thank you for your persistence and professionalism throughout this process. I appreciate your commitment to this case and for bringing some kind of justice to us women that have had to go through this horrible ordeal. I am relieved that I can finally put this case behind me and move on with my life.

I also know that the way in which you practise is very much in your clients’ favour and that you are as far removed from the “stack ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap” practitioners as is possible to be. Your clients are very lucky to have you looking after their interests which is one reason why I recommend folk to you.

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28th February 2004|

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