RWK Goodman Solicitors

SJ Edney has merged with RWK Goodman.
All enquiries from this website will be received by RWK Goodman

RWK Goodman Solicitors

SJ Edney has merged with RWK Goodman.
All enquiries from this website will be received by RWK Goodman.

SJ Edney has merged with RWK Goodman.
All enquiries from this website will be received by RWK Goodman.

Pressure sore negligence claims – S.J. Edney case study

Pressure sores and ulcers due to neglect We have been acting for the family of an elderly lady (aged 87) who sadly died in hospital during January 2017 as a result of sepsis and osteomyelitis. At the material time, she was a widow (suffering from dementia) and had been supported intermittently by SE [...]

30th September 2020|

Missed cancer case

Seamus Edney at S J Edney Solicitors is acting for the family of the late Mr Stephen Hall who sadly died on the 20 March 2020. They are unhappy with treatment which he received at Great Western Hospital in Swindon during 2016. Briefly, during July 2016, Mr Hall had been unwell complaining of shortne [...]

19th September 2020|

The dangers of meningitis

Seamus Edney at S J Edney Solicitors is acting for the parents of Master Elliott Morley (now aged 8) in connection with a claim for clinical negligence against Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust arising from treatment which he received at Great Western Hospital on the 28 June 2014 when he [...]

28th August 2020|

Hospital delay in diagnosis of a knee fracture

We have been acting for a client (now aged 62) who was unhappy with treatment which she received at the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) run by Greenbrook Healthcare at the Princess Royal Hospital (the Hospital) in Farnborough, Kent arising from treatment she received during July 2017. Events giving rise to [...]

19th May 2020|

Ischaemic stroke caused by delayed diagnosis of perforated colon

We acted for a client in a claim for personal injury, loss and damage as a result of a clinical negligence. He is a patient and brought this action by his wife and Litigation Friend. Between the 11 March and 03 April 2010, our client (who was then aged 46), was under the care of the medical and nurs [...]

7th May 2020|

Rare Neglect Verdict at Inquest & Medical Negligence Claim

S J Edney solicitors were instructed to represent the family of an elderly lady (‘H’) who was in her 80’s, in connection with an Inquest after her death and subsequent clinical negligence claim. H had an enterocutaneous abdominal fistula secondary to earlier laparotomy surgeries.

6th January 2020|

Hospital missed spinal fracture in elderly patient

We were initially instructed by the family of an elderly client who sadly died during the course of the case. Briefly, at the material time, the deceased was aged 88. He had multiple co-morbidities and his mental test scores were low, probably because of previous cerebral vascular accidents or strok [...]

17th April 2019|
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